I recently gave a presentation to my local testing Meetup, Boulder QA Meetup. This presentation came out of several conversations I've had recently with different Testers that weren't aware of a lot of the different resources available to Testers. So, I decided to do my part and pass along some of the things I've been fortunate to find out and learn about.
I believe that when you learn something, give it away. It can only make others (and you) better.
Here is my presentation on different resources. It's a way to help anyone to start towards a list of their own set of resources. It's by no means everything. How could it be? There's so many sites, trainings, people, blogs, articles, tools, books…it could go on and on. But one has to start somewhere.
I hope some of these things can help you as much as they've helped and continue to help and enrich me. I know my list will continue to grow!
I've also put the information (plus more) from my slides into a mind map below. You can go directly to Mindmeister to get a closer view.